Stickers in White Ink

Stickers printed in white ink on clear label material are the original domain of standard flexo printing, but there are some digital alternatives. Currently, it is still expensive to digitally print labels in white on clear vinyl, but this will change in the future. If you need your stickers printed in white on clear polyprop, standard flexo printing on the roll is still the most economical option for the time being. When the balance shifts in favor of digitally printing white on clear stickers, this page will be updated. In the meantime, white ink on clear labels is still dominated by flexo printing. Should you need more information on clear (or transparent / see-through) labels printed with white ink, please contact me to discuss your sticker printing options. Currently, we only have a handful of customers with this specific need and it is really a niche label market. It is also worth remembering that because white ink on clear labels is still a flexo dominated market, outdoor use of these stickers and labels is limited to a few months. Flexo printed stickers and labels degrade relatively quickly when exposed to the sun and the rain. Digitally printed labels - depending upon the vinyl grade - can last from one year to 5 years outdoors.